律政司撤銷兩私人檢控 許智峯斥律政司向受害人傷口撒鹽
Monday, August 24, 2020





1. 2019年11月11 日西灣河一名交通部警長向年輕人開槍案件,被告被控3項控罪,分別為意圖造成身體嚴重傷害而射擊、罔顧他人安全的情況下發射彈藥,及處理槍械而其方式相當可能傷害或危害他人的安全。原定於今年8月31日審訊。

2. 10月6日的士司機涉於深水埗剷上行人路撞人案件,被告被控危險駕駛。原定於今年8月31日審訊。







DOJ withdrew charges in two private prosecution cases

HUI Chi-fung: DOJ is adding insult to victims’ injuries

Democratic Party Legislative Councillor HUI Chi-fung instituted two private prosecutions against the police officer who opened fire in Sai Wan Ho and against the taxi driver who drove into a crowd of pedestrians in Sham Shui Po last year. Summons were issued by the magistrate in both cases but the Department of Justice (DOJ) wrote to intervene and withdraw the charges last week. A hearing was scheduled today and the magistrate approved the request. HUI Chi-fung is furious and disappointed at the result, and describes Secretary for Justice, Teresa Cheng’s, withdrawal of summons as “adding insult to victims’ injuries”. HUI said, “The victims have yet to fully recover from their injuries and have been physically and psychologically tormented by the incidents since. Yet DOJ squashed citizen’s right of private prosecution to deny justice and put politics and rule of man before rule of law.”  

Regarding the reasons DOJ gave for intervening and withdrawing the charges, HUI said, “DOJ’s excuse of ‘insufficient evidence’ is hard to swallow. DOJ claimed that Police’s independent investigative task force investigated the cases, but none of the details and conclusions had been disclosed. In addition, the case involving the police officer was investigated by the police, even though the victim reported the case to the police, he was not notified of the results.” HUI described DOJ’s operation as a black box and finds their decision of not making the report public “ridiculous”.  

HUI commented, “Not only is Teresa Cheng abusing her power to put politics and rule of man before rule of law, her action also undermines citizen’s right of private prosecution as a means of fighting for justice.” HUI stressed that he will give his all to safeguard ordinary citizen’s right of private prosecution amidst government’s unreasonable suppression. He will continue to fight against injustice and discuss his possible follow-up actions with his legal team, including filing a judicial review.

HUI’s two private prosecution cases:

1. The police officer who shot a protester in Sai Wan Ho on 11th November 2019 was charged with shooting with intent to do grievous bodily harm, discharging ammunition with reckless disregard for the safety of others, and dealing with arms in a manner likely to injure, or endanger the safety of other person. The hearing was originally scheduled on 31st August this year.

2. The taxi driver who drove into a crowd of pedestrians in Sham Shui Po on 6th October 2019 was charged with dangerous driving. The hearing was originally scheduled on 31st August this year.  


Democratic Party Legislative Councillor HUI Chi-fung,Ted

24th August 2020