Wednesday, April 14, 2010

特區政府今日發表《二零一二年行政長官及立法會產生辦法建議方案》,就政府提出行政長官及立法會的選舉辦法,包括民主黨在內的泛民主派立法會議員已舉行記者會,反對有關方案。 民主黨主席何俊仁表示,政府公佈方案後,民主黨立法會黨團已經開會,一致認為方案無法接受。黨團認為,由於政府並無保証2017年的行政長官選舉和2020年立法會選舉是真普選,不肯就行政長官的提名門檻說清楚,和不肯承諾會於2020年取消功能組別,因此,在民主黨特別會員大會舉行時,立法會黨團會向特別會大提出建議,不接受政府的政改方案。


民主黨主席 何俊仁

民主黨副主席 劉慧卿


Oppose the 2012 Constitutional Reform Package Today the HKSAR Government published a package of proposals on the methods for selecting the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012. The Pan-democratic Legislative Councillors, including members of the Democratic Party, said they will oppose the package. Democratic Party chairman Albert Ho said that a party caucus meeting was held after the government announcement. The caucus anonymously agreed the package was unacceptable.


The government has not given a concrete guarantee that genuine democratic election will be held for the Chief Executive in 2017 and in 2020 for the Legislative Council. As the government is reluctant to state clearly the nomination threshold of Chief Executive election in 2017 and to abolish all functional constituencies in 2020, the party caucus will recommend to our party members to reject the 2012 reform package in the upcoming extraordinary general meeting (EGM) of the Democratic Party.


Albert Ho, chairperson

Emily Lau, vice-chairperson